
The all moment, we come across in them with propagated reporters pelasmdias where, of a side, the disordered growth and surrounding aomeio disrespect are evidenced e, of another one, ferrenhos protectors danatureza display its points of view. I know some of these ' ' protetores' '. Without generalizing, intolerantes people, in its maioriahipcritas, living and liveing in areas of permanent preservation. Odiscurso is very involving, but without result. About 80% of localonde I live does not possess basic sanitation. looks at that it is a deEstado capital. I do not see nobody speaking on this, much less osintolerantes. I am ferrenho defender of the conservation of our ecosystem and also in favor of the progress, of the commanded growth denossas cities.

To forbid real estate enterprises is criardificuldades, to negotiate easinesses, a door for the corruption. It has that to have a more partial solution. I think that we would have to invsde simply to forbid an enterprise, to create mechanisms efetivosde control of the tax of occupation of ground. For example: one resortcom study of capacity for 400 apartments, would get permission to paraconstruir only 150. Organic einseticidas an obliged field of golf to use seasoning and to have 50% of preservation area. A projected prdioresidencial to use to advantage to the maximum the natural light, collecting of pluvial water, captation of solar energy, proper net detratamento of sewers, organic and inorgnico garbage collection and limited comaltura. Houses with little constructed areas, materiaisreciclveis, wood of reforestation, solar energy, collection of lixoreciclvel and areas for compostagem.

Mansions to the side-sea with decksflutuantes and aeolian energy. Clearly, everything this with the doestado hand fiscalizing and creating fiscal exemptions for such projects. Quemsabe with discounting of IPTU for ecologically correct projects, financing with lesser and subsidized interests. Who knows a stamp directly verdepara real estate, correctors, constructors, engineers and architects, enabling the involved professionals. This is not one utopia! It is possible! Oque cannot have is the simple prohibition, without a deeper study, trying to equate the ambient lines of direction with the commanded growth. Property in Florianpolis – ImovelSulFloripa