Treasury Trading

"I only withdraw money, never go there nothing invested, – he says. – In 1987, earning 100 thousand, I finally thought that had been prepared enough, that address this fully. " In order to carry out trade, Stowell took leave of absence for a period of 2 years. "If it's time to return from leave, the heart and soul I belonged already trading and markets, as a consequence of this, I retired ", – he speaks. From this stage of its trading and investment expanded, now began to include personal promotions companies and gold mutual funds. Though in the soil of his trade is still lying pattern "of cups and caps.

In addition Stowell limited his participation in the futures market of Treasury bonds. He avoided the contract S & P 500, explaining it all again: "There will need considerable margin, and be dependent on the mercy of trading programs. Night session on the bonds does not imply a really little or no difficulty, although with cash Specific unit, the situation is otherwise. " Often observed at night and a solid reel One unit of currency is not suitable for the trading style of Stowell. "I took the sense that I'll stick to the one in the futures market by applying to it all my energy and talent, we achieved the greatest success. I expanded the tools trading and investment opportunities, taking up promotions and gold reciprocal funds ", – says Stowell. Speaking of the doctrine of "cups and caps, may be noted that it was based on" the concept of this is that markets are up and markets go down.

Foreign Brokers

The most important part of the trader is working with banks, as with Russian and foreign, as well as payment systems and other means of transfer. The trader should always open a bank account or subaccount in broker to transfer money there, pull them into your account and conduct other monetary and foreign exchange transactions. The Law on Currency Regulation Russian citizens have the right to open accounts in other states and make operation with the account. Purpose of such accounts – maintain ongoing operations of buying and selling of securities through a broker. As a rule, we, in this case is about speculative transactions – the client to decide, what to buy and what to sell and the bank (broker) only carries out his instructions. To open such an account will need at least 5-10 thousand dollars.

Gains and losses on this account could amount to tens percent. Trader Bank Many traders keep their accounts with foreign brokers. Depending on the bank and the amount, there are a few moments to transfer money “zabugor. When the open foreign currency account in a Russian bank VTB, Alfa-Bank, PSB. Sotrudink call you bank and ask to confirm the payment, go to the bank itself, but do not necessarily need to send an e-mail all the necessary documents – the text of the agreement with the broker can in Russian.

Oh, and do not forget to mention that this is for the broker and trade, and more should be said that no trade in shares and forex, ie, no real delivery of an asset can also be so: for account ****** * For bank transfer, bank charges Commission, it is a few percent, but not less than $ 10 nor more than $ 45. So the small things is better not to bother, unnecessarily makes no sense. The larger the transfer, so relatively, smaller commission. Beneficiary Bank may also take commission, but She is very small. If it is not clear – boldly ask bank employees, they get paid for it. The worst option is to send money to the wrong account.