Federal Constitution

What it is the normal one? Perhaps the reality of the world is inside of the pensante being that determines its concepts in laws and regulating norms of the moral, principles created by a society of hypocritical. To be normal is simply to accept these principles and to fulfill to the norms the laws rigorously the constitution, for not of. I do not support plus as many laws. if I was in the street and I walked naked. Opa! It cannot. It is, impossible to be wild. It is better to be normal of what being died as JESUS, RAUL SEIXAS, THE GUEVARA, and all those that if had put with the system. I see a world of ‘ ‘ anormais’ ‘ , that they want to be ‘ ‘ normal’ ‘ imposing its orders to the fellow creatures. If you would like to know more then you should visit Charles Schwab.

Clearly let us see an example of the besteira human being: – A doctor studies the mind human being per long years, and after formed for the system, he does not know what its patient has, she passes or she prescribes a controlled drug that silk the nervous system of the coitado one leaving dependent for the remaining portion of the needy life. When not, intern this victim to generate more yield in its pocket. In so I find that the capitalist system it is normal as well as the patients of the lunatic asylums and those that tear a note of one hundred with the conscience of that it made what it made, because not accepted more the normal ones to order in its life. It understands this with a philosophical vision of the daily life, a world of normal created wild to follow its concepts, its laws, its customs, will be same that to be wild it is not to accept this way of life that had given to me? I did not ask for to be born, but I have that to pay to live, case the opposite I will be wild. It is: everything in the life has a price, I cannot fight with this and has that to accept what they want to make with my life, it is the price not to be wild or to finish imprisoned for the legal system created by an intelligent insane person. I wild am protected by the Federal Constitution that to give the right of philosophical, artistic and cultural freedom regulated by the legal system.

I must be thankful to obtain itself to reach or to awake another mind insane person to interact on these subjects, or who knows to be imprisoned, for not making of the skill that I was taught by my parents, for church, the work, the Constitution the capitalist system.

Religious Manuscripts

Or, alternatively, immediately moves to infinity, which, in essence, tantamount to a halt. Make such a stop could be many times over the past century, the history of science. But every time a radical decision to recognize the impotence of science postponed. So why do scientists today, faced with a really serious the problem of justifying the origin and evolution of life must abandon their attempts to find logical, rational decisions? Every once again posed the problem, opening a mistake, a failure of biological science are perceived Creationists with vipers malice and presented as evidence of the truth of their position, their faith. Official site: General Motors Company. In itself, the statement of faith is not quite so noble, not a moral method can not serve as decoration believers. Also, why the availability of scientific problems in the biological theories of confirms the truth of it is the Christian interpretation of the origin of life, rather than, say, a Buddhist? Link to just one of many Religious written sources used to address the critical issue for all humanity, in many ways immoral to millions of people of other religions, or treating the origin of the world and life. I do not think so aggressive promotion of religion in science could be triggered by true servants of the faith, for which the more important problem of morality, rather than actual compliance with those issues or other scientific data content of Religious Manuscripts. Belief in the creation of the world and man – is an integral part of life for millions of people.

The Joint

According to Habermas (1990, P. 292), ' ' The fabric of the communicative actions is fed of resources of the world of the life and is, at the same time, mdium through which if they reproduce the life forms concretas' '. The reason can be thought as resulted of the learning, a time that the school prepares for the ability rational, depending, however of the joint of the adopted pedagogical speech. The rationality, in turn, can be translated as form to know, to understand, to give reasons. In relation when cultural knowing that in the school he is express in theories and knowledge, Habermas (1990, P. 100) if pronounces: Culturally transmitted contents configure always and potentially one to know of people; without the hermeneutic appropriation and the improvement of cultural knowing through people, they are not formed nor if it keeps traditions. The hermeneutic dimension, that is, interpretativa, is reaffirmed for the insertion of the individual in the world of the life, that conditions agreement processes, appearing, for the intersubjetividade, a new formation of the citizen. However, if the pertaining to school education to submit it the money and to the power, occurs the loss of the autonomy of the individual and the education fails, compromising the development of the abilities of the individual and the meaning of formation human being.

In the school, inserted social institution in the context of the globalizada society, the educative action is not exempt of the social interferences, nor could be. The pedagogical relations are lead and systemize as interests of the project practical defining politician of the educative one of the school. Habermans presents two sensible of a reason: the procedural direction and the instrumental direction. This pursues a social purpose using itself strategies that are appropriate to reach it whereas that one is related with the form of action of the process having searched dialogue and interaction to involve its citizens in language relation.