Agriculture City

The Tourist Ranch of Sao luiz of the Paraitinga suffered with floods of the beginning of 2010, but an aid net was mounted in aid the victims of this afflicts, however, we cannot leave to detach beyond the solidarity chain, the hundreds or thousands of people who had given donations or same had been voluntary in some works of recovery of the So Paulo city and other nets that are acting in the reconstruction of the city. This city still counted on the chance to have in the picture of the municipal public administration warlike women who had made the difference at the moment where the city more needed. In 97% of the Brazilian cities, women command administrative units in the city halls spread for Brazil (Munic-2009 research divulged for the IBGE), in 3.380 cities the women have positions of 1 all step, being 512 mayors in the country, cannot leave to more than cite the 6,500 councilmen in Brazil.

Tourist ranch of Sao luiz of the Paraitinga, as known it is managed by Sr Mayor Ana Lucia Bilard Sicherle, still counts on the Speaker of the house of Councilmen the Sr Edilene Alves Pear tree, in the picture of assessors: finances? Elza Cristina Teodoro, Education? Nilde Cristina Pola Baptista, Health? Ana Slvia de Carvalho Blacksmith, Legal? Ana Paula Cursino de Miranda, Agriculture? Samanta Ribeiro Pedrosa, Planning? Cristiane AP. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with john k castle. Paiva Bittencourt, Social Promotion? Cristina Maria Rodrigues de Toledo; in the picture of directors we have: Purchases? Chrystiane Tavares de Andrade Guedes, RH? Daniele De Campos Prado Hunter, Center of Health? Amlia Lydian Dos Santos Would make, P.S.F. Renata Carmem Moura Rabbit, Accords and Contracts? Andria AP. of Toledo, Social Service? Marleidy AP..

American Education

With regard to Chavez, the democrat affirms that the reinforcement of the American leadership is the best form to contain the rhetoric of Chavez. Already of internal scope, Obama will make investments in public works in the infrastructure sector as form to recoup the economy and to generate new ranks of work. It will carry through cuts of taxes to the classrooms lowest, and will increase the taxes to the calls magnates, who had lived its years of glory in the mandate of Bush. But the primordial one will be for coming. We can mention as such, the reforms in the health and the education. This aims at to improve education still more as basic base in the formation of the individual, adding to the education of excellency of which already known in U.S.A., such as the University of Harvard, but this measure tends to mainly increase the quality of basic education, where as Obama it is the main one, therefore is there that everything is initiated. Already the reform in the health system, has as project to become possible the universal access the medical treatment, where any same citizen without plain millionaire of health will be able to have access.

Referring to the economy, Obama will increase the fiscalization to bonds carried through for the companies to its employees, mainly those that had received financial support on the part from the government. In what it touches to the energy questions, Obama will make searches of energies renewed to diminish the dependence of the oil, being searched to reach a sustainable economy. Such energy, but in this in case that nuclear, that the United States will have to deal with Ir and Coreia of the north, the countries that already had initiated the mentioned enrichment of Uranian for the energy supply, but in the case of the Coreia of the north, already if can notice the movement in the construction of bombs of destruction in mass, that to each day increases the risk of conflicts, much which had the acceptance of intervention of the world-wide order in its territory, not arriving even though already to banish soft to power hard to power, the hard power, that can be express for the use of the force, Obama intends to be used with little frequency, saved in necessity of defense of the American and humanitarian interests.

Federal Constitution

1.INTRODUO the importance to democratize the budgetary process implies in the possibility of the magnifying of the sphere and in the control of the public power for the society. To promote a debate around budget is to articulate a quarrel about the planning of the cities come back toward the necessity of the priorities on the public expenses that have benefited in its majority the privileged sectors, generating social segregation, vulnerabilities and inaqualities. The Federal Constitution of 1988 consolidated one politics of planned budget, the participativo budget consolidating itself in a planning instrument that considers changes in the management of the public resources. The participation of the citizen in the elaboration, accompaniment and execution of the public budget, is only possible through the formalizao of enrolled legal devices in the municipal organic laws that base the proposal of the popular participation foreseeing the cooperation of the associations representative in the municipal planning. But if it cannot forget that the cities as integrant the federacy and as these autonomous worker, possess autonomy to take care of of its interests, as they think and to legislate on subjects of local interests.

The resources of the budget basically are formed by paid taxes for the citizens. From there the importance of the community to participate of its elaboration, folloies it and to fiscalize its execution. It is through the public budget that if decides, where the resources will be applied and the initiatives that require budgetary forecast. The budgetary process is the way for which if it elaborates, it approves, it executes, it controls and it was valid the financial programming of the public thing; he is composed for the Annual Budgetary Law? LOA, for the Law of Budgetary Lines of direction? LDO and for the Law of the Plurianual Plan? PPA. The creation of an area of municipal ambient presence, the increase of resources in the area of basic sanitation amongst other services is clear examples of initiatives that must be gifts in the elaboration of the public budget and in the budgetary forecast of the city.