Municipal Net
As the prominence that the author brings referring to interpolated proposition II, characterizes as difficulties the conditions of communication and signalling used by some pupils. The item suggests that all have difficulties of communication and signalling, however, when they are only differentiated are that she would demand special education. The last rank is directed to the formularizations adopted in interpolated propositions I and II whose term learning is folloied of exceptions ' ' difficulties acentuadas' ' ' ' great facilidade' ' , that one had possibly been placed to differ the difficulty from ones that can be ' ' comum' ' of that one presented by other pupils that one ' ' incomum' '. Contrasting the ambiguities found in the LDB/96 and Resolution n. 02/2001 and in the abrangncia of the conception of citizen displayed in the declaration of Salamanca, new the Proposal National of Special Education in the Perspective of the Inclusive Education of Janeiro/2008; ' restricts the citizen of the special education the pupils; ' with deficiency, global upheavals of the development and high abilities/superdotado' '.
Such definition has as starting point, ' ' perspective of the Inclusiva' Education; ' that it starts to constitute the proposal pedagogical of the school. (BRAZIL, 2008). If to consider that ' ' inclusive schools consider a way of if constituting the educational system that considers the necessities of all the pupils and that necessidades' is structuralized in virtue of these; ' (MANTOAN, 1997, p.145, grifo ours), the current politics excludes the possibility of pupils who for other necessities, that not specified them in the document, are taken care of of differentiated form. Having in this differentiation, not it exclusion of knowing, the prescribed resume; but yes the multiple forms of transmission of the knowledge, aiming at quality in the process to teach and to learn. The Frum: Story of the families of pupils as NEE Located in the city of pertaining Victory and to the Municipal Net of Education, ' ' guia' school; ' it is the place of meeting of the families of pupils with NEE, that composes the Frum that we considered in them to analyze.