The Proximity To The Terroir

Sabine Ehrmann and the Monferrato – more than a place of residence Tenuta Tenaglia, that wants to winery in Monferrato, demonstrate, business objectives and social responsibility very probably belong together. As the international meeting point for art and culture succeeded already. On the Court, is the family Ehrmann and beckons after the last guests. I’ve just received the first autumn meeting of girlfriends and friends of Tenuta Tenaglia in Italian Monferrato to end. A group of 15 Germans has awarded not only the pleasures of wine this weekend, but got to know a lot about the culture of the country. She visited an antiques market in Casale Monferrato, a wine bar and the city itself. The truffle fair in Murisengo participated, as the Italians voted in the national anthem after the awards ceremony.

Sabine Ehrmann, daughter of yogurt producer family from the Allgau and owner of the estate Tenuta Tenaglia, explained during the truffle fair on the stage that it is matter rather than as an international Meeting point for art and culture to establish there was one on a good path and well paced ahead, but, above all, that also the territory into the daily work involved belong. We see it as our task of the next few years, to interest the people in the environment from which the wonderful products that enjoy”, explains the entrepreneur. This means for the Tenuta Tenaglia to offer more events in the new year, which bring closer to the cultural characteristics and beauty of the Monferrato the German-speaking audience. There will be also a spring meeting of the Notte Bianca in colline, the autumn meeting and Christmas party in addition to the highlight of the year, which will result in a topic in the wider surroundings of the Tenuta. The theme of the next events will be very sweet. Michael S. Zerban

Problems Of A Career Path .

Family, country, time, history, language – is that person is given. And usually, we perceive reality as common, sometimes without realizing it. Work – "the language of" the subconscious is defined as a conscious life. And indeed, most of the time we spend at work. At work, we have a specific responsibility, there are all aware of: strategy, tactics, regulations, orders, schedules, charts and the like. In everyday life we do not. Simply, few people would think to write a job description of the husband or wife.

Things are going on a situation. Like, have any moral laws, rights and responsibilities, marital and parental duty and so on. To a greater extent everyday life is regulated in people with high incomes (for example: marriage contract). But the speech of another. Very often we share the mundane (personal, family) life and professional life on two different lives and say: at work, I work, and after work – I live. But the professional way this just has the ability to be implemented, as well as the opportunity to rest. Professional way – it's possible access to new resources, mainstreaming own stock.

We are all equal in scope, but differs in the presence of resources. In the beginning I told the publication that a professional way – it's the only thing that a man builds himself. It is. To gain access to new resources necessary to capitalize the opportunities. Everyone does it because of the qualities of her character. I know for sure that women's professional path – the path of sensual responsibility for their lives. You will never wonder why there is no such profession as a writer, avtornitsa, shofernitsa, doktoritsa, ? But there are, or were still wonderful career as a florist, seamstress, sewing, embroidery, singer, fashion model, actress. Yes I am a bit , can now take and turn the world backwards and forcing women to abandon male professions, especially because the field of management, they have succeeded cleaner men. The world is multi-faceted, all that is good on earth. But such abilities as rational, we are women, but the sense must be developed. Otherwise, we will produce effeminate men – they have their sensuality is all right. And "earn" women's issues. What to do, how to choose and let the rational profession and thus reveal the sensual. Helped me with this next statement – that the man in the process of life must make: to build a house, plant a tree and bring up her son. Excellent, I thought: "And that women? "And she found only here an anecdote: The Women's Conference on the agenda of the three questions: nothing to wear, how to lose weight and all the peasants – goats! I was indignant, and began a closer look into the negative text, trying to get it into a positive: women in need of life: to reveal beautiful, multiply the wisdom of nature; bring a real woman. These two necessary (for men and women) – just because of problems of rational and sensible. With Eventually, I realized that "foster son" is a metaphor for man. Men's problems is just located in the "hard job" from her mother. Son needed to cultivate one – to grow a sound. "To plant a tree" – is not rational goal to start a family. "Build a house" – before they build anything, we should all consider and calculate! Well, now, it is clear what the characteristics of women's professional path – open beautiful (be well-groomed woman), multiply the wisdom of the genus (learn to listen and absorb), to cultivate a true woman (behave feminine). And what to do – it's your right. Always be on its own, enjoy themselves, bring themselves. Abounding. Keep life in its entirety. Feel good.

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