ROPO Effect

What is the role of the Internet for buying decisions by potential customers? Munich. September 26, 2012. Research buyers via the Internet before they draw a fund? “On this issue the Deutsche Bank in the framework has delivered now fortunately a clear answer their”ROPO study””, explains Alexander Khayat, Board the tapir AG. Google talks about 56 percent of Internet users on average there are 56 percent of Internet users who do online research before making a purchase. Interestingly, there are even more at financial products. In the two-year-old German Bank study is about 60 percent of Internet users. You make smart before a decision to buy on the Internet, compare products and get opinions.

A recent survey of emission House… …zeigt even, that 66 percent of all artist prior to the completion of the closed-end funds on the Internet have been researched. The Internet is underestimated especially when issuers, since they receive their drawing tickets mostly consultants, who have no own website or little visibility in the search engines have. ROPO says that! ROPO – research online purchase offline obviously searches in 66 per cent of all cases in the Internet opinions and facts about financial products, while only 10 percent in the Internet, the statements will be held. The typical customer looking for proximity to a consultant of his confidence remains, would like to assure themselves but also online, that the recommendation is good. To visit customers on average three websites and crawl up to 18 pages in.

Found the pages become more and more through Google search engines and especially Google with a 95 percent market share, used more and more often, to find quality comparisons and opinions about financial products. A customer comes here on positive opinions and articles, this strengthens the purchasing decision. Prominent placement on comparison sites inevitably leads to a higher completion rate for the financial product. Currently, the cards with the issuers are still not distributed! Actually are already working multiple issuers on a dominant Internet strategy, improve Usability of their sites, invest in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEA), as well as in display advertising and sophisticated quality strategies. The benefit is enormous, but absolute terms – as studies show -, this seems to be – at least, still an insider tip regarding the landscape of closed-end funds. Let’s see, how long… For more information,

Finanzgericht Dusseldorf

Maria Ulrich from Munich Tax Office informed that if the Federal Government for life fails, is already painful. Nobody has wished a divorce. Not only the emotional component plays a role. Also the financial, because divorce is associated with costs. In addition to court and Attorney’s fees even more burdensome issues arise. A news judgment of the Finanzgericht Dusseldorf ensures a small consolation, because the costs are fully tax deductible. Inform the tax office Maria Ulrich from Munich.

Total cost are able to deduct the sentence spoken by the Finanzgericht Dusseldorf by the 19.02.2013, AZ. 10 K 2392/12 offers in addition to the often painful divorce matter a small consolation, by total expenses as extraordinary burden tax take effect allowing ITA according to 33 to the deduction. The case: A spouse wanted to contact the Court and Attorney costs amounting to a total 8.195 for divorce. Even those were included in the total cost in the context of the Compensatory equalisation and the post-divorce maintenance are caused. The IRS saw only the occasion as extraordinary burden tax to recognise the actual divorce costs and the cost of the supply balance. It wanted to disregard the equalisation and the maintenance claims against. The Finanzgericht Dusseldorf decided otherwise: in favour of the spouse. According to this, the total expenses as extraordinary burden shall be considered. The tax office Maria Ulrich from Munich is anytime available for detailed information. Press contact tax firm Maria Ulrich contact: Maria Ulrich Nymphenburger Strasse 4, 80335 Munich Tel.

Alexander Meyer

This is in stark contrast to the reality. There is not a functioning secondary market for shares in closed-end funds. A sale of such funds is not and if possible only under considerable financial smears. This fact must be stated according to the case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof expressly. No evidence of missing income security as a result of fluctuating Charter rates: For our clients the economic imbalance of the Fund stunned. The background is that the freight rates for all types of vessels as of mid-2008 due to the global economic crisis, but also due to the massive overcapacity in shipping tonnage slumped massively. Our clients in the consulting were not pointed out the risk resulting from cyclical fluctuating Charter rates for the ships of the Fund. These are just a few points, which in our experience wrong was discussed.

Many more points, you also would have advised must be, can we like to clarify with you in personal contact. For investors of the MPC Fund MS “Rio Stora”, we see basically good opportunities to enforce claims for compensation against their advisors or the founding shareholders of the Fund against this background. Limitation of damages is in danger at the end of the year 2012, many claims for damages by ship fund investors threaten to become time-barred. Background is that were numerous ship Fund suspended distributions in 2009 for the first time, renovation concepts developed and prompted investors to variation or renovation posts. As a result the investors announced that it by no means is a ship funds as safe and risk-free participation, which she was depicted as them in the consultation. This knowledge is any way the run of three-year limitation periods underway, which hamper the enforcement of claims for damages after 2012 or make it impossible. More information about the limitation of Claims for closed-end funds you can find here: Office /… Do you have questions to your Fund’s contribution to the “Rio Stora” MPC Fund MS? You want to know whether what your chances are to enforce claims for compensation? Call me, I will gladly help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking law and capital market law your contact Alexander Meyer, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855 Hamburg: Dorpfeldstrasse 6, 22609 Hamburg Tel.: 040 53799042 Fax: 040 53799043 Berlin: Roth first breed 19, 10245 Berlin Tel: 030 95999280 Fax: 030 95999279