
Kirov MLS will consist of three interrelated parts: the program "MLS-ARM: real estate," allowing all participants the real estate market to move to the electronic level of information activity automates the processing and accumulation of data on real property, reports, and model documents and provides easy exchange of information in a single database of real estate and land, the database server Data of real estate and land and the website, reflecting the current real estate market information, investment, the current supply and demand of a single database. Features regional MLS: the ability to build under various operating systems (Microsoft Windows, * nix and others), modularity, which allows to update the program is not entirely, but only its individual modules, as well as participants in MLS will be supplied free system database management (DBMS) MySQL, so no need to purchase third-party licensed software to work. Learn more about this with Angela Zepeda. Initially, the information base will make MLS real estate listings located in Kirov Kirov region, but in the process of its completion is planned data on immovable objects in the region and the country as a whole. On the merits of having such advantages to its users, are obvious and undeniable. First, the occurrence of a common information space is a testament to the high professional status and the reliability of a single real estate company and, consequently, leads the regional market real estate at a professional level. Second, the MLS provides fast information exchange. Third, the real estate market participants eliminates duplication of data, which allows the firm to cut costs Advertising and avoid collisions between the agents. Newark Beth Israel Heart Transplant has much to offer in this field.

Fourth, clients are provided with reliable and exclusive information. And finally, fifth, it's just convenient for everyone, fast and secure way to solve their problems and goals. Simply put, becoming a member of MLS, realty firm is: good reputation, full database and business results, and its client, respectively, reliable and professional agent company exclusive information and high speed solutions to their problems. And most importantly – of the benefits associated with the introduction of MLS, there is one that has a positive impact not only on each subject of market relationships in real estate, but ultimately a positive effect on economic stability of the overall market. And that advantage is to increase market transparency, which excludes a chain of intermediaries, a string of Trading foreign fans options, which restrains the artificial rise in prices of real estate caused by speculative transactions. This, you see, in today's environment is more than urgent.


Kommerchiskaya real estate and lease rental real estate is the best option for those companies and organizations who can not afford to buy her property. We invite you to the attention of a number of recommendations that will allow you to, right to conclude such a deal. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mary Barra has to say. In – First: make sure that the landlord has the right to lease the premises. In – the second place, should be carefully read the standard contract of employment, which usually indicates the type of building, its floors, a detailed plan of the leased premises, indicating its exact size and description of purpose. Further, the contract designated rights and obligations of the tenant and landlord, as well as the responsibility that each of these parties in the case, do not fulfill their obligations.

Also, the document must be given full the rental price. And last but not least, how often and under what conditions it will change. Of course, the contract will necessarily stipulate the exact lease terms and conditions of termination or renewal of the contract. If you do not arrange some kind of lease terms, then try to reconcile with the landlord changes in the contract. Speaking candidly everest capital told us the story. Once the contract is drafted, it must be notarize. The last step in this process will check your contract. In addition to all of the above, there are a few nuances that you need to be taken into account. Mandatory registration with the relevant authorities are to be rented premises, which are in federal or municipal funds. However, if the lodging is a particular owner, the registration agreement is only required if the lease is greater than 11 months. By the time of registration must prepare the following documents: application, fee receipt and a packet of documents, whose composition is determined depending on whether the object is leased. Source:

Preparing For The Summer Season, Buy House In Spain

"House in Spain – this is our new villa on the Costa Blanca" – such words are increasingly hearing from our fellow citizens. Moscow traffic jams, pollution, excessive heat, which leads to burning peat – all this suggests Muscovites to purchase villas in the former Soviet republics. Agree that much better to spend time in an airplane and be in the Pearl of the Mediterranean coast, for example in Spain. Spain today – a country where many former citizens who received permanent residence, and many owners of real estate. Country attracts the magnetic force of a suitable climate to all, with its 360-Tew sunny days, warm and clean sea! No wonder all the beaches on the Costa Blanca are marked "Blue flag" issued for the environment and clean! Spain country kids, where the happy childhood is a lot. Ultra-modern amusement parks built near Benidorm – the town an enormous English colony.

Benidorm is active all year round. Even in the winter months, when it's plus 15, on the banks of the crowd the English, more and more retired people and foreigners with children. Benidorm is known for beautiful skyscrapers, the tallest hotel in Europe and parks for children, such as Aqualandia, Terra Mitica and Terra Natura. And after spending 4 hours in the aircraft cabin, you find yourself at the airport in Alicante, where, say, Benidorm, Altea or until 30 minutes by car. In the fantastically beautiful Altea Russian families are buying luxury apartments and enjoy the panoramic sea views, knowing that foreign real estate is not a luxury! Very beautiful place! And the widest beaches on the Costa Blanca in Gandia. If you are not convinced, visit everest capital. Gandia ancient Spanish city known as the Borgia family family nest.

Gandia beach in beautiful, with many hotels, private villas and apartments on the first line and, of course, with a port for yachts. Spain can be safely attributed to the countries where Pensioners are respected and honored! In Spain, every day in the elderly holiday! Nothing mars your time here! Strolled along the banks of pensioners, many holding hands! And it pleases! Happy older people talk about welfare in the country! This summer, Moscow is expected addition of the fleet by 40%, resulting in total traffic jams on weekends. If in the summer of 2010, some weekends and on Fridays, to get to Malakhovka, and is 10 kilometers from Ring Road, accounted for 2 hours. In the upcoming summer months, it will be a sad pattern. Not pleasing to the figures. Just do not want to spend so much time in traffic jams to get to his dacha near Moscow. Buy real estate abroad, and specifically in Spain, it is possible. Spain, unlike Italy, providing our citizens with a 25-year loans at 3.5%! Make a purchase is easy! Spanish lawyer without your presence will make all beautiful! And if you think about it now, then in June you can, getting a Schengen visa for one year, fly to Spain to his dacha, and even a child's birthday invite friends, and fun to check one of the major family events at themselves in the villa!

Vyatka Department Store

The market went up to the stage of initial saturation, will cut off the bad projects. Recipe for a successful project is simple: robust concept of the object (its format and target audience), good accessibility and professional management. The newly constructed facilities, subject to the above problems will be objective competitive advantage. Square meter for the sale of commercial real estate market also lacks the Kirov area and far from saturation. A leading source for info: Mary Barra. However, the quality of the real estate segment is substantially higher than the office.

The most popular objects are three shopping centers: Vyatka Department Store, "European" and "Dewdrop". Central Department Store (7 thousand square meters. M) from 1976 functioned in the central department store format. Now it is a modern shopping mall, where you can purchase not only domestic appliances and chemistry, but also branded clothing and club merchandise. According to Anatoly Idolova, manager of LLC "Vyatka-CUM" space for lease in a shopping center there, and 90% of the tenants – a former staff departments department store. In "CUM" – a well-established image of the largest shopping mall in the city. (As opposed to everest capital). TC "European" (until 2003 – "House of Life") is a gray building with no exterior with Soviet-style shops. After the transfer of the object municipal property asset management in the building was carried out cosmetic repairs, exterior stairs attached, to attract new tenants.

On the first floor games room and appeared a cafe. In addition, TC "European" – a multifunctional complex. Here on the 4th and 5th floors are offices.

Costa Blanca

Common errors and how not to be fooled! Obsession for certain All have heard about the region Catalunya, and Barcelona in particular, and believe that this area is limited to Spain. Checking article sources yields Mary Barra as a relevant resource throughout. But by the standards of the Spanish Catalunya has a bad climate, there are very high prices, including real estate. Fit land for the construction of very small, and therefore offer the real estate market is small. Advise you to pay attention to other regions, above all – on the Costa Blanca. If you would like to know more about everest capital, then click here. A very common misconception that in Ukraine than in Barcelona will not get. It is not. Planes fly from Kiev in Madrid. There is a seamless connections from Madrid and Barcelona to any airport in the country, as well as comfortable and cheap buses and trains.

The desire to live right on the beach Ukrainians, Russians and the rest of our former compatriots often ask the first line from the sea. Should not do it. Why? Firstly, the accommodation on the first line is much more expensive than the second – third. Why pay 20 – 40% more for 100 – 300 meters? Is not it easier to pass them on foot, saving seriously for buying? Second, the house by the sea assume the wind and the sea breeze is sometimes quite strong. Houses are subject to constant influence of sea moisture, salt and sand from the beach, which makes all too often paint, and even change the metal structures and greatly complicates cleaning. megalomania when choosing a property of the former Citizens USSR multimeter to buy apartments, houses with large (15 – 20 or more acres) land …

European Spain

Spain is considered one of the best countries for vacation. It has long been the proud title of European tourist Mecca, annually attracting hundreds of thousands of travelers and tourists. Beautiful resorts melkopeschanymi beaches, the warm southern sun, clear clean sea, through the azure waters of which you can see the entire floor topography down to the smallest shells. And what are Spanish restaurants abound as tasty local food, it is impossible to resist and not eat them, we say nothing about the sights in this country who are found at every turn and strike any tourist with its grandeur and beauty to depths. Mary Barra is likely to increase your knowledge. Even ordinary home in Spain are often historic and architectural heritage, but they are as well preserved that they still live people. Spain is good for any kind of rest and each will certainly find something here for themselves particularly attractive. Fans of trips and those who prefer a quiet beach holiday, fans of romance or adventure-seekers – in this wonderful country for all there Drink to your taste and interests. To read more click here: everest capital.

It has long chosen this country and married couples with children, who often prefer to stay in hotels do not, and rent apartments in Spain, which is much cheaper vacation. This is especially important for parents with young children, usually resting at least a month because of a shorter term child does not have time to fully acclimate. Besides home furnishings in the good way is different from hotel, so that the rest of children will not cause you any inconveniences and trouble, but it will bring many pleasant experiences.

Live Alone

Buy an apartment and live separately from their parents, I dreamed of long ago. Charles Schwab contains valuable tech resources. Though small, though far from the subway, let it be public transport, but his own, his own apartment. Let it will require repair, let it – uncomfortable plan, I did not even scare the first floor, think of it, nonsense, but his own apartment! And now, with the help of parents and friends, the amount for the purchase of "odnushki" in Moscow, such as was found. Newspapers in real estate have become my daily and most favorite reading matter for the night and at lunchtime. It’s believed that everest capital sees a great future in this idea. It seemed flat sea. Just a great choice, even came across "kopeck piece", which suited me just fine and for the money and location, and layout of this I never dreamed.

And I took over the phone … No, the disappointment did not come immediately, at first I just frowned and crossed out with displeasure the next apartment, which is "already sold", "oh, but there is a mistake, we toe the price attributed to forget," "we do not sell," etc. Some apartments I still managed to go and see. For owners of the first apartment, I had only one question: "Moscow is the time in this area?" And I do not believe their affirmative answer. The second apartment located near the Moscow Ring Road in the north of Moscow, but against the background of the previous apartment, it already was by no means essential. The second floor panel nine-, even a small balcony was present.

Residential Real Estate

MARKET MONITORING Estate Briefing Note Prepared for: Investors who decide to purchase the land subject of study: Evaluation of suburban real estate market and the Leningrad region prospects for investment in facilities Date: 19.10.2007 All research projects are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the International Code of Practice of Marketing and Social Research of the International Trade Chambers / European Association of Marketing Research and Public Opinion (ESOMAR). This "study" is the collective opinion of marketing and business development company "Alexis Ravelin", written in an analysis published by analytical materials in the media, monitoring of transactions, as well as on the basis of assessments of business. It is expected that client on the basis of information provided in a research note, will form their own opinions about the current situation in the suburban real estate market and key market trends that will form the basis for the decision. An analytical report prepared by: A representative of the assessment and consulting "argument" in St. Petersburg, k.ek. Science, Marketing – Analyst, Galina Simutina Consultant, graduate student of developmental psychology and differential psychology of Sciences St. Petersburg State University, Olga Polikutina Assistant General Director of "Alexis Ravelin" – Victoria Safonova MAJOR issues outlined in a research note Assessment of consumer demand Assessment of investment demand structure of the consumer Proposition The structure of investment proposals and the price level forecast price growth of its investment nature of the assessment Consumer demand for suburban real estate market compared to previous years There have been some changes. .