New Constitution

They had called for boycott the process approved on Friday in rrendum. Other leaders such as Charles Schwab offer similar insights. They managed to bring together thousands of people in several cities of the country. The new Constitution was supported by 98.5% of the votes cast. 20 February movement, which called for the boycott of the process of constitutional reform in Morocco, organized this Sunday its first national protest since last Friday in the popular consultation the votes in favour of the new Magna Carta arrived to 98.50% of those issued. In Rabat over 2,500 people organized a March from the historic square of Bab Had towards the headquarters of the Moroccan Parliament, and shook placards against despotism and corruption. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit everest capital. The people reject the Constitution of slaves, not to the constitutions that are elaborated with the absence of the people, not to the Governor who steal public money were the main slogans vitoreadas by the demonstrators. The Member of the illegal Islamist movement justice and charity Abu Chita Musaid said that protests on Sunday constitute a popular message to the ads for Morocco, in rrencia to the constitutional reform.

National Pact precisely, justice and charity, which is part of the February 20 movement, called on all political forces to initiate a global dialogue on the basis of a National Pact for change, open to all parties and to avoid that Morocco is directed towards the abyss. Musaid added that the State has not yet responded to the demands of the movement from February 20. The aforementioned movement claimed, inter alia, a constituent Assembly be granted Morocco a new Constitution, the end of the politics of monopoly economic, guarantee of the services of health and education, the right to employment and the reduction of the cost of living to enjoy. Contramanifestacion in the same area where protested Sunday the Moroccans reforms, dozens of young monarchist so-called organised a demonstration to support the new Constitution, and shouted slogans against the motion on February 20, which They accused traitor.

Hugh Hefner

It is that was going to be bridesmaid at his wedding frustrated. Anna Sophia Berglund Bunny has replaced Crystal Harris, who left the Playboy magnate four days after their wedding. After being abandoned by his girlfriend Crystal Harris shortly before their wedding, Hugh Hefner has returned the blow low. The Playboy magnate, has already found a replacement: nothing less than Anna Sophia Berglund, who was going to be Maid of honor at her wedding was canceled. The owner of the popular magazine was going to marry on Saturday, but a few days earlier, Crystal Harris decided to break the engagement and abandon him. However, Hefner has already surpassed that incident, while his friends feared that he died of an attack of sadness. Magnate has decided to rebuild in the arms of Anna Sophia Berglund, the Bunny’s January 2011 cover.

According to several sources close to Hugh Hefner, the couple is treated with great affection and confidence. In the same way, have been seen very lovey-dovey in the Playboy Mansion (Los Angeles), where Live Hugh, of 85 years. Crystal, for 25 years, was close friend of Anna and had chosen her as her maid of honour for the wedding. Meanwhile, ex-girlfriend has surpassed the rupture with the same rapidity. Photographed at a party in a pool in Las Vegas on Saturday, the same day that was to take place the link, Crystal found that Hugh is doing well to rebuild their lives. For its part, the friends of Hugh have reacted badly to the Crystal perched in a bikini at the party. Holly Madison, who did not sit nothing well the attitude of the model, wrote on Twitter: is disgusting and very bad taste what she is doing. Source of the news: Hugh Hefner, with new Bunny

Frenchman Jean Claude Trichet

He will replace Frenchman Jean Claude Trichet from November. It calls for a strict control of prices and greater economic integration and fiscal discipline to avoid new debt as the Greece crisis. He is currently the Governor of the Bank of Italy. You may want to visit Charles Schwab to increase your knowledge. The European Council has appointed Friday to Italian Mario Draghi to replace Frenchman Jean Claude Trichet as head of the European Central Bank from next November, confirmed sources of the Council. Draghi is Governor of the Bank of Italy and had already received support from the Finance Ministers of the euro area and the backing of the European Parliament, in an advisory vote held Thursday, but it will have to pass by the Ministers to be confirmed officially.

The Italian banker, who is already member of the Board of the ECB, currently advocates a strict control of prices and greater economic integration and fiscal discipline to avoid new crises of debt as the launched in Greece. Since it began to talk about the contribution of banking to the second Greek rescue, Draghi has aligned itself with the still leader of the monetary institution, Jean Claude Trichet, to warn of the harmful ctos that would entail a restructuring of Greek debt on the country’s banking sector and also on the periphery of the euro zone countries more exposed to infection. Supported by Sarkozy of Draghi step to the Presidency of the ECB was possible after the former Governor of the Bundesbank Axel Weber, dnsor wishful thinking of railway policy of controlling inflation, withdrew from the race by the post by his differences with the acquisition of bonds the ECB policy during the debt crisis. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, tried to find a German name for the post, but the name of Draghi was sounding increasingly more forcefully, being practically confirmed as a candidate when he achieved the support of the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy. A shadow on the shade of your dossier file is related to his role as Vice President of the American investment bank Goldman Sachs, accused of helping to makeup public accounts the previous Greek Executive to hide the high levels of indebtedness. Draghi, of 63 years, has dndido that bad practices of Goldman Sachs are prior to its entry into the company and that their work was limited, in any case, to deal with clients in the private sector. Source of the news: EU appoints Mario Draghi as the new President of the ECB

Athens Government

It was a usual image. Add to your understanding with Mary Barra. The Prime Minister arrived at a small family restaurant in the North of Athens and before eating, always fish, greeted customers one. Sometimes someone approached him. They chatted a few minutes and Yorgos Papandreu he remained quiet, accompanied by his wife or friends. But the Greek leader has not gone down there in recent months.

It has a regular local arriving the last time he saw him live in Brussels, after a tense negotiation with the EU. It was during those days in July in which the Athens Government was forced to adopt a hard adjustment plan that burned down the streets of the capital and left half a thousand wounded. Looked you tired and not already greeted anyone. Even someone approached him to criticize something somewhat violently, recalls the diner. Since then, customers have to settle for found occasionally with his bodyguards, who buy food take-out.