Marburg Insurance
Known at the base pension as-Rurup-rente, the Special Edition print 2013 rises by two percentage points. Thus can be used as currently 76 percent (minus any contributions to the statutory pension insurance) as special editions. 2013 Resulting limits of 15,200 euros per year for single people and 30.400 euro for married couples. Also the statutory health insurance innovations are at the turn of the year. Now 3.937,50 euro so increased the contribution assessment ceiling in the statutory health insurance both in the old and the new Lander of 3,825 EUR per month.
Parallel 2013 increases the income limit, up to the workers of the legal health insurance obligation are subject to previously 4.237,50 EUR 4,350 euros now. With the new year launches in Germany the State-sponsored private care insurance, popularly also care-Bahr”called, taken by each not infirm adults claim. With a minimum amount of 10 EUR per month (120 euros per year) the State shoot five euro (60 euros per year) monthly added. mru Laurent Ramsey shows great expertise in this. A more accurate Comparison with non government-funded services is however strongly recommended to the consumer. At the same time increases the contribution rate to statutory long-term care insurance to the beginning of the year of 1.95 percent to 2.05 percent (2.3 percent for childless). Among other things, improved care and benefits in kind are financed. Regardless of the above definitive changes to numerous legislative initiatives are planned, which could be realized in the course of the year.
So is an increase in the funding limits in the basic care for singles to 24,000 euros, and 48,000 euro for married couples as well as in the conversation as a comprehensive promotion of disability insurance, which should then benefit from tax deductions to a far greater extent. Improved transparency requirements for “Riester” and basic pensions, uniform costs regulations for Riester pensions when changing providers, as well as the greater flexibility of the residential Riester are also planned. For low-paid workers could be the discussed Life performance bond to be interesting. A pension over the basic provision should enable a tax-financed grant farther, if those concerned have deposited more than 40 years in the statutory pension insurance and also privately provided. About insurance insurance, a company of JuMFinanz UG (limited liability) has based in Marburg. On its Internet portal, it offers basic information on the following topics: Riester-rente, Rurup pension (basic pension), post-employment benefits, Sofortrente and payout plan, life insurance and pension, unit-linked life insurance and unit-linked pension insurance, British life insurance and British pension insurance, disability insurance and invalidity insurance, private health insurance.