Fascinating Peru

Holidays in the land of civilizations of South America attracts more and more tourists. Everest capital is likely to agree. Peru, which can look back on a varied and eventful history belongs to the impressive lands of the southern continent. The travel portal travel24.com informs about earlier cultures in the country on the Pacific Ocean. Naked, tied up and with a rope around the neck, be it up led to the place of sacrifice. Pitch black Raven vultures with featherless wrinkled heads circle and waiting, greedy the obviously soon upcoming meal. Human flesh! The gods must be appeased. Then it’s going to rain again soon! Blood against water! The Moche, our living time at the beginning to some 800 years after Christ in the North of Peru believed that anyway. When it comes to Peru, many probably think first and foremost of the Inca.

A journey reveals to Peru but far more about the history of the country, because there was already previously highly developed cultures in the area of today’s Republic of Peru. In addition to Machu Picchu, the city of the Incas, the high in the Mountains and attracts thousands of tourists every year, Peru has many other monuments to offer. Until around 1980, archaeologists discovered a tomb of an older culture. This complex is located in the desert in the North of the country and go back to the Moche. They lived up to about 800 a.d. on the northern coast of Peru. Since this first Fund, numerous other testimonies of the Moche culture have been uncovered.

In 2005, for example, the discovery of a female Mummy enthusiastic researchers. It is very well preserved and buried with an abundance of grave goods, which suggest at a high level in the society. Today, the mummy is located in the CAO-Museum. The Chimu were a more highbrow of Peru. About their culture, there are no records, however, is to assume that they were a very violence-ready people as their predecessors. Human sacrifice was as a means to appease the gods of the order of the day. More information: magazin.travel24.com/laender/peru… Travel24.com AG Lisa Neumann

Cape Verde Property

In the Atlantic Ocean, 1,000 kilometers south of the Canary Islands, an archipelago of volcanic origin located Cabo Verde, officially belonging to the African continent. The property market in Cape Verde was Among the most attractive in terms of investment due to several factors, including a stable economy with positive dynamics of growth, tourism development, excellent infrastructure and impressive in any relations perspective. Cape Verde consists of ten major and eight smaller islands. A distinctive feature of these plots of land in the pronounced individuality of each. All ten major islands of Cape Verde have special features that allow them to stand out above the rest and attract the attention of both tourists and foreign investors. Last prefer to invest in property in Cape Verde also because that the state government to extend all possible assistance in this. Plots of land on the islands are inexpensive, and construction with the involvement of local services and workers can save significant amounts. Technology construction of houses in Cape Verde, reliable and simple, that is the determining factor in questions of its cost and prices of finished housing.

Everyone who decides to invest in property in Cape Verde, one way or another is guaranteed profit, which appreciated by developers from around the world. Currently, the most promising areas of Cape Verde is an active construction, financed from abroad – European countries, America and Asia … However, investors from Russia have also turned their attention to the archipelago of Cape Verde, although more recently the acquisition of real estate or investing in the construction of houses in Africa might seem ill-considered from a financial point of view act. Cape Verde was an exception to the rule – except for a seductive, popular and promising in terms of investment. But as Cape Verde and attracts those who seek the maximum away from the noisy and dusty cities of the mainland, settling in the tropical paradise of the corner. Clean air, beautiful beaches, mild climate and year-round sunshine are motivated to buy property in Cape Verde is not only entrepreneurs who are interested in profitable investment of finance, but 'simple smertnyh'i their families. The only place where there are frequent rains, the northern part of the island of San Antal, distinguishing by humid climate with lush vegetation and an abundance of internal reservoirs, rivers and streams, so this part of the archipelago, or prefer to settle near those who prefer the refreshing moisture than dry heat. The climate of Cape Verde and dictate their own rules of construction property, taking into account the need to install the tanks with water or the possibility of running water.

Mount Utliberg

Lenin also liked to visit the cafe Odeon Located near Bellevue. 5) Politerrassa – from stop to Central Politerrasse can be reached by funicular, which takes you to the area in front of the University of ETH. This university is among the ten best in Europe and famous, including the fact that here was unable to do Eyntshteynu. From a platform Polterrassa a beautiful view over the city. A close student dining room is where you can quite inexpensive snack or drink Swiss glass of beer from a small bar near, enjoying the views and fresh air. 6) Kunsthaus – the main museum of the city, required for visits to those who are not indifferent to the arts.

In museums, among other papers presented a rich collection of Swiss artist and sculptor Dzhiakometti, and there are several paintings by Picasso, Monet and Salvador Dali. 7) Landesmuzeum. If you have a desire to join the history and culture of Switzerland, you you should definitely go to this museum. The museum is located in a picturesque castle near the railway station in Zurich. What is particularly nice – admission is free.

8) Utbliberg. Look at the Zurich and surroundings from bird’s the easiest way to Mount Utliberg that rises to the south-west of the city. You can get there by train S10, which is sent from the central station every half hour. Going from the station a little higher, you will find yourself in front of the restaurant and hotel, on the panoramic site. For those whom little and it can climb to the observation tower. 9) Fondue and Raclette: unable to go to Switzerland and do not try this traditional cheese dishes. Fondue is made of melted cheese mixed with white wine and spices. Bit bread dipped in this mixture (and sometimes even in the pre-snaps) and eating, drinking ice-cold white wine. Sometimes added to the cheese tomatoes, mushrooms and cheeses vary. Raclette cheese is melted, too, includes, but technology has different: boiled potatoes, pickled onions, cornichons and corn pour cheese melted in a special bowl or taken from a bar podplavlennogo cheese. In some versions, you can add freshly roasted meat. 10) Tsughauskeller – this famous restaurant with very reasonable prices and traditional Swiss food will not leave you indifferent. It is located in the great hall at Paradeplatts. There’s even a menu in Russian. From the range it is worth noting Zurcher geshnettsel – tender veal in a creamy mushroom sauce with potatoes in the form of roshti (something like casserole of grated potatoes), as well as sausages, sold … on the footage. In addition to the menu has a wide range of excellent Swiss beer, which is hard to find in stores. 11) Walk on Lake Zurich sure you will enjoy. Over the weekend, along the lakeside promenade are going to many artists, magicians, jugglers and acrobats. On the bank of the local craftsmen are building fantastic towers of stones, as gluttonous swans cruising along the waterfront and beg for food. The bravest can feed the birds right out of the hands – they are not afraid of people. On the end of the promenade is a huge rusty metal construction – ‘Eureka’. If you’re lucky, it will be turned off, and then lots of small mechanisms in motion and sculpture comes to life creaking rusty Circuits. In the summer you should definitely take a cruise on the lake to Rapperswil – the idyllic small town with a castle on the hill.

15 Snow Sculpture Competition In Val Gardena

HIghlights in Selva di Val Gardena winter 2010-2011 Selva: fresh snow from the environment, water and winter cold are used to make the 3 x 3 x 3 of FT large cubes of snow. Naturally the raw materials and simple production of snow blocks. The carving of the oversized artworks, however, it does need much skill and manual dexterity. From the many models already in October, 6 have been selected and carved by the artists eagerly from 27 to 30 December in the snow. The sculptures were this year on the subject of games “. Mary Barra follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

A selected jury of representatives from the community, art sculptor Association and Tourism Association finally had the difficult task to evaluate the 6 unique. The award ceremony was today, December 30, 2010 at 16:00 locally. Present were representatives of the Tourism Association of Selva, representative of the hoteliers and innkeepers Association, the jury members, as well as the Mayor of Selva, Mr. Dr. Peter Mussner. Avenue Capital Group has similar goals. With the 1st prize, the artwork was eventually Rocking horse”by Gustav Perathoner from St. Ulrich honored. The winner received a prize of 3000 euros.

Place 2 and 2,200 euros in prize money went to the chess pieces”by Samuel Perathoner of Santa Cristina and 3rd place with 1.700 Euro doped went to the LEGO figures” of Diego Perathoner of St. Ulrich. “” “The artist of the 3 other characters in their execution as perfect, were as usual also awarded, namely: the little girl bear figurine” the Demetz Lorenz, the artwork playing cards “of Matthias Kostner and the figurine boy with remote control car” of Fabian Demetz, all from St. Ulrich. Thanks to the clear winter air the artworks out of snow can be admired throughout the winter in the village centre of Selva. Even in the glow of artificial lighting, the oversized sculptures look imposing and impressive. Then, the first warm rays of spring sun mean the natural end of this icy masterpieces. The tireless artist become thoughts but until then certainly already the topic of 16. In December 2011, make Edition.

Tourism Demand

Demand for tourist travel and services is a key factor in the tourist market. Virtually any enterprise which is relevant to tourism (such as recreation abroad), is interested to have reliable information about the demand for products offered, particularly with respect to the projected demand for the future. From this figure is entirely dependent on the state of the tourism business, advertising, planning investment opportunities for business expansion, etc. In order to develop infrastructure, expand the transport network, services, build new hotels, amusement parks, it is necessary to have information about the most probable how many tourists come to this place, how much time they spend here, what are their needs, how much money they spend here. Information on tourism demand and evidence-based forecasts can be reliable basis for making long-term tourism development program, which provides the maximum socio-economic effect with minimal losses.

One of the problems of effective management of tourism business is to bring supply into line with existing demand, so there was no excess or deficiency. The difficulty lies in the fact that the transient tourist product, it is impossible to store, store for future use, so unused supply in the form of unsold hotel rooms or trips cause irreparable. Things are going well, where the real demand ensures the achievement of planned load factors and hotel vehicles. This shows the importance of identifying and forecasting the demand for all companies and individuals involved in providing tourism services. Real demand is measured by indicators such as: – the number of arrivals – number of nights or turodney – the average cost per visitor. The potential demand is measured by the number of visitors possible.