Nicole Dietrich Franciscan

Gartner study evaluated systems for the Supervisory Board and Board of management communication Munich, 14 April 2011 the Brainloop AG, a leading provider of document compliance solutions for the highly secure management of sensitive documents, announces that the company in two analyst reports published by Gartner Inc. has been cited. Gartner Inc. is a renowned market research company headquartered in the United States. The Gartner report introduction to virtual data rooms”(ID G00211311) was written by the Gartner analysts Jay Heiser and Jim Murphy. Gartner defines virtual data rooms (VDRs) as SaS class, primarily used for communication in the financial investment sector and in biotechnology, for court proceedings and other sensitive scenarios with external cooperation.

We are honored, users who temporarily or permanently seek mechanisms to support a highly controlled exchange of protected and regulated data outside the company, consider a these services into consideration.” to be mentioned in these important Gartner research reports. “She sugar vital our market approach to reduce the risk of information through a secure document compliance management solution”, commented Peter CEO of Brainloop AG Weger, the Gartner report. Completed his assessment of the Gartner study Weger by companies better manage their confidential documents and protect, they optimize the security, productivity and compliance crucially”. Brainloop is very successful with its document security and compliance solution anywhere where confidential communications in the Centre is the case of the Supervisory Board and Board of management communication. The solution is used in particular in the areas of corporate development, contract management, financial reporting and supervisory board and Executive Board meetings. Also, another interesting study by Gartner became the subject introduction to Board of Directors’ communications systems”(by Gartner employees Jay Heiser and Jim Murphy, Gartner ID G00211442) given out. In this Gartner report of the accompanying key findings, recommendations and analyses on the Supervisory Board and Board of management communication systems are indicated.

Gartner defines on-board communication systems as applications to simplify the task, to create hundreds of pages document data in the quarterly report of the Executive Board to put together and to distribute this material to the Panel members. Any organization that sends Executive reports in paper form with highly sensitive and -current information, portal-based solutions should consider for reasons of efficiency and safety. Supervisory Board and Board of management communication systems are secure portals on the basis of SaS (software as a service), used by public and private organizations for the exchange of session documents with internal and external Board and Committee members. Organizations with a Board of directors or the Supervisory Board should consider these services into consideration one.” The Brainloop AG with its headquarters in Munich and Boston is the leading about Brainloop AG Provider of document compliance management (DCM) solutions for the highly secure handling of confidential documents. The solutions enable complete traceability of all accesses and changes of the document and thus complying with all compliance requirements. The US market research company Gartner recently referred in several of its publications on the Brainloop solutions. press contact: Brainloop AG wife Nicole Dietrich Franciscan str. 14, 81669 Munich Tel.: + 49 (89) 444-699 0 fax: + 49 (89) 444-699 99 E-Mail: Internet:

Transport Streams Opts

With the expansion of the transport management solution to 40 logistics sites in Europe, the world’s leading medical device manufacturer reaffirms his confidence in Transwide. Brussels, July 8, 2013 the Paul Hartmann Gruppe with their headquarters in Heidenheim an der Brenz stands for innovative system offers for professionals in medicine and care. In addition to the requirement of product quality are also the delivery capacity and the logistics strategy of great importance. “According to the motto zero error” therefore entrusted the Paul Hartmann Gruppe for the current and future development of the company on the best logistics technologies and procedures. In 2010, the company decided, at its new Logistics Centre in the French Belleville-sur Saone (48,000 m2), as a pilot project, transport to introduce management solution (TMS) by Transwide based software-as-a-service (SaS). The goal is to optimize the goods receipts from all production plants as well as suppliers and dealers from all over Europe.

Today, after three Years of experience and in view of the successful history of the start project, the Paul Hartmann Gruppe has now supplemented by more Transwide modules their TMSLosung. This not only to win key performance indicators of the French market, rather the management of the company cross-flows of goods across Europe is optimized so that. In our first project, we calculated that the solution would pay for themselves after three months. This has realized and that is the added value of Transwide in all sections of the input chain,”Fabrice explains mast, project manager logistics at Hartmann France. More efficient to manage error-free management of company-wide transport flows to the transport flows between companies in Europe, the Paul Hartmann Gruppe has now introduced Transwide’s solutions at all its 40 logistics sites in Europe including also in Herbrechtingen and Hanover. The French Logistics Center by Paul Hartmann twTrace also to the introduction of the module participants decided, with the the transport chain the status of a shipment from loading to delivery can track.