Preparing For The Summer Season, Buy House In Spain

"House in Spain – this is our new villa on the Costa Blanca" – such words are increasingly hearing from our fellow citizens. Moscow traffic jams, pollution, excessive heat, which leads to burning peat – all this suggests Muscovites to purchase villas in the former Soviet republics. Agree that much better to spend time in an airplane and be in the Pearl of the Mediterranean coast, for example in Spain. Spain today – a country where many former citizens who received permanent residence, and many owners of real estate. Country attracts the magnetic force of a suitable climate to all, with its 360-Tew sunny days, warm and clean sea! No wonder all the beaches on the Costa Blanca are marked "Blue flag" issued for the environment and clean! Spain country kids, where the happy childhood is a lot. Ultra-modern amusement parks built near Benidorm – the town an enormous English colony.

Benidorm is active all year round. Even in the winter months, when it's plus 15, on the banks of the crowd the English, more and more retired people and foreigners with children. Benidorm is known for beautiful skyscrapers, the tallest hotel in Europe and parks for children, such as Aqualandia, Terra Mitica and Terra Natura. And after spending 4 hours in the aircraft cabin, you find yourself at the airport in Alicante, where, say, Benidorm, Altea or until 30 minutes by car. In the fantastically beautiful Altea Russian families are buying luxury apartments and enjoy the panoramic sea views, knowing that foreign real estate is not a luxury! Very beautiful place! And the widest beaches on the Costa Blanca in Gandia. If you are not convinced, visit everest capital. Gandia ancient Spanish city known as the Borgia family family nest.

Gandia beach in beautiful, with many hotels, private villas and apartments on the first line and, of course, with a port for yachts. Spain can be safely attributed to the countries where Pensioners are respected and honored! In Spain, every day in the elderly holiday! Nothing mars your time here! Strolled along the banks of pensioners, many holding hands! And it pleases! Happy older people talk about welfare in the country! This summer, Moscow is expected addition of the fleet by 40%, resulting in total traffic jams on weekends. If in the summer of 2010, some weekends and on Fridays, to get to Malakhovka, and is 10 kilometers from Ring Road, accounted for 2 hours. In the upcoming summer months, it will be a sad pattern. Not pleasing to the figures. Just do not want to spend so much time in traffic jams to get to his dacha near Moscow. Buy real estate abroad, and specifically in Spain, it is possible. Spain, unlike Italy, providing our citizens with a 25-year loans at 3.5%! Make a purchase is easy! Spanish lawyer without your presence will make all beautiful! And if you think about it now, then in June you can, getting a Schengen visa for one year, fly to Spain to his dacha, and even a child's birthday invite friends, and fun to check one of the major family events at themselves in the villa!