I perceived the quo is wonderful my wife, thanks to God was in time to save my marriage. to recoup the person who God separated for me. then we talk and really we understand in them, I do not go to say that never more we fight to put now we obtain to surpass each obstacle. seems that I married again. Really today we live in harmony and with happiness.
There six months after to reattach the relation my sister paid a meeting of wharf for us. I cannot count what it happens, but I can say that I came back woollen another man. In our meeting 100 couples had participated. I guarantee the vocs that was valid each cent invested for my sister. It is a wonderful ceremony.
If to decide to participate of one. Only plus an advice. First it goes with the open heart. as if will be able to go in one organized for some religious entity better still. I suggest the assembly of God of Bonsucesso, therefore he was who organized mine and I can speak that it was very good. But coming back to the subject. then analysis well before taking a measure that can be precipitated. The diplomacy tries the argument oldest of the humanity. What it can take the separation? Many things can take a couple the decision of the separation. Financial Estresse, problems, lack and etc. The main ones are these, estresse. Many people do not obtain to separate to other relations of the relation husband and woman and finish bringing pra privacy it couple problems that are of the work, with the head a friend a relative or the others a thousand things and culminate in unloading in the friend this rain of problems. Others bring a problem with fi