There is every reason to believe that under the Great Novgorod had in mind Ladoga. But back to Rurik. Rurik – son pricked, which was married to a prince of the Slavic tribe bodrichey Godoslavom (Godlvom). It dwelt on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. The capital city of the tribe was Ragon – Neysterlitse near future German Mecklenburg. The prince was killed Godlav Gottfried Danish. Rurik had to leave home and become a Varangian – Merc – and for a long time to wander in foreign lands.
And in the 862 tribes of Slavs and Chud was hired as the Prince Rurik. According to 'The Tale of Bygone Years ", Rurik first came to Ladoga, and a few years cut down Novgorod. But it is believed that Rurik any where from Lake Ladoga was not going away. Novgorod Chronicle says of this time: 'In the fourth summer of the reign of his migration from the Old to the New Castle great to Ilmen '. That is, the prince left the old town of Ladoga and settled in Novgorod. But at the time of Novgorod did not exist.
It originated as a trading and craft center at the end of X century. There is reason to believe that Rurik anywhere from Ladoga not went up to his death, in 879, the, rules, namely in it. Chronicler, describing the events of two centuries ago, could not diminish the importance of Lord Novgorod the Great in the history of the state, and therefore written in his works that the legendary Duke suffered a princely table of Ladoga in the upper reaches of the River to the place where later stood the main town of the Novgorod feudal republic.