Coca Cola Company

An example of regionalization, in Peru, there is a drink called Inca Cola is the drink most sold in all of Peru, is yellow and has a great taste, is direct competition from Coca Cola, and although you may not believe much more than selling Coca Cola this monster of oligopolies, was so strong positioning Inca Cola in Peru, Coca Cola Company had to buy because he lost a big market in Peru. Angela Zepeda brings even more insight to the discussion. This sample does not demonstrate that regional products and nationalist beliefs can stop at some point not at all please do not misunderstand globalization. But if that can stop this phenomenon which is causing so much damage worldwide, there are many more examples of these cases, see in the Middle East, Japan, where many American companies have not able to penetrate as they are trying to achieve. Globalization is a phenomenon that is parallel to capitalism we live in today, capitalism has shown us that has suffered three major crises, the 1890s, the crisis of 1929 and finally the oil crisis that has not been overcome yet. But what if the fall capitalism, globalization would cease to exist? I am completely convinced that there would still exist to a lesser extent perhaps because as I tried to explain in the article everything is connected and the global economy and capitalism seriously affect globalization especially in large corporations, exchanges of shares world’s major cities and financial transactions. Another strategy that could slow globalization quite famous Tobin tax is the name of the economist receives Nobel Prize for economics, it proposes to apply a 0.1% tax on financial transactions that occur throughout the world and It is focused on developing countries, although not implement security interest of global agencies no longer a major contribution to the global economy. I then tried to explain clearly the strategies that can be done to stop globalization does not make it disappear because it is impossible but if they cause less damage.

I also apologize to readers because in my article entitled “Globalization,” the final stage of capitalism? several years ago where I wrote and explained subliminally that globalization was the final stage of capitalism in which we live, and left open the reader that you think my point, today after several research papers published worldwide and insert in this issue I come to these conclusions. So I apologize to readers not wanting to cause confusion between this article and the actual writing. Globalization is not something that depends on us but if you take the proper awareness and be fully informed about what is happening worldwide.

Legislative Act

During the procedure referred to in this subsection shall be suspended the term referred to the final part of Article 162 of the Constitution. Every bill or legislative act must have paper report in the respective commission to deal with it, and should be given the course. PARAGRAPH. In order to promote citizen participation in the legislative debate between the first and the second debate and the discussion of draft statutory laws, the respective committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, may meet together for a not less than three (3) days and not more than eight (8), to hold public hearings to allow for appropriate participation of social, political, union or trade union in the respective actions. Congressional rules governing this area and may extend the conclusion of the hearing to cases other than that provided in this Article. (Amended by Decree 99 of 2003) Article 161. When discrepancies arise in the chambers for a project, both integrated conciliatory committees formed by the same number of Senators and Representatives, who gathered together endeavor to reconcile the texts, and if not possible, defined by a majority. Having published at least one day in advance, the chosen text will be submitted for debate and approval of the respective plenary.

If, after the repetition of the second debate the difference persists, the project is considered denied. (Article amended by Legislative Act No. 1 of 2003) Article 162. Bills that have not completed their passage through a legislature and that they received the first debate in either house, continue their course in the next, in the state where they are.